姓名: 肖志松
迄今,已发表性学术论文包括Advanced Materials、Optics Letters、OpticsExpress、Physical Review A、Applied Physics Letters和Journal of Applied Physics论文180余篇,获授权和受理中国发明专利15项。主要研究方向为主要研究方向为光电材料与器件物理、集成光学与量子精密测量等。在光电集成材料与器件技术研究方面,发现并制备了在国际电联(ITU)标准的光通讯窗口波长范围内连续带宽达230 nm硅基发光及光放大材料与器件,目前仍保持此通讯波段最宽记录;率先制备了微纳稀土掺杂宽带光波导放大器原型并指出了其在光通讯网络中的潜在价值。在光原子精密测量物理、光量子传感与计算研究方面,提出了基于反常色散/压缩光场的谐振型快光陀螺结构,并制备芯片级高精度色散增强光波导(非光纤)陀螺原型,消除了闭锁效应;开展了具有PT对称性和反PT对称的非厄米量子光学理论研究及其在精密测量技术与光量子传感/计算中的应用。
1991.9-1995.7 南昌大学机电学院,锻压,工学学士
1995.9-1998.7 南昌大学材料科学与工程系,材料物理,工学硕士
1998.9-2001.7 北京师范大学低能核物理研究所,凝聚态物理,理学博士
2001.8-2002.11 香港中文大学 Research Associate
2002.12-2003.12 中国电子信息产业发展研究院 副所长
2003.12-2005.6 西班牙科学研究理事会光学所 Visiting Researcher
2005.7-2006.1 大连路明科技集团有限公司 副总工程师
2006.2 至今 suncitygroup太阳集团网址,副教授、教授/博士生导师(2011年评聘)
2008.10-2009.10 中组部博士服务团挂职陕西电子信息集团 副总工程师
2013.1-2013.7 美国普渡大学BIRCK纳米科技中心 高级访问学者
2020.4-2021.4 挂职北京未来科学城管理委员会 副主任

获教育部科技进步一等奖、国防科学技术进步二等奖和北京市科技进步三等奖各一项。入选2018年第三批国家科技创新领军人才、 2017 年科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才”、2007年教育部“新世纪优秀人才”、2006年北京市“科技新星”和2003年“全国留学回国人员先进个人”并获成就奖。
中国材料研究学会 纳米材料与器件分会理事
中国材料研究学会 青年委员会理事
中国光学学会(COS) 会员
美国光学学会(OSA) 会员
国际光学工程学会(SPIE) 会员
【1】Shuo Jiang, Zhisong Xiao, Hao Zhang et al,Enhanced nanoparticle sensing by mode intensity in a non-reciprocally coupled microcavity, J. Appl. Phys. 131,103106, 2022 (Featured)
【2】Tuoyu Chen, Zhisong Xiao, Shuo Jiang, Hao Zhang et al, Exceptional point shifted by Kerr effect in anti-parity-time symmetry system,J. Appl. Phys. 131, 243101, 2022
【3】Xiaoyang Chang, Hao Zhang, Wenxiu Li, Peng Han, Yang Zhou, Anping Huang, and Zhisong Xiao, Sensitivity enhancement of a dispersive cavity with squeezed vacuum light injection, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 39, 1815-1821, 2022
【4】Wenxiu Li, Yang Zhou, Peng Han, Xiaoyang Chang, Shuo Jiang, Anping Huang, Hao Zhang, and Zhisong Xiao,Exceptional-surface-enhanced rotation sensing with robustness in a whispering-gallery-mode microresonator Phys. Rev. A 104, 033505,2021
【5】Peng Han, Wenxiu Li, Yang Zhou, Shuo Jiang, Xiaoyang Chang, Anping Huang, Hao Zhang, and Zhisong Xiao, "Giant and tunable Goos-Hänchen shift with a high reflectance induced by PT-symmetry in atomic vapor," Opt. Express 29, 30436-30448, 2021
【6】Heng Pan, Xiaofang Xu, Jiaming Liu, Xu Li, Hao Zhang, Anping Huang, Zhisong Xiao, Microwave-assisted synthesis of blue-emitting cesium bismuth bromine perovskite nanocrystals without polar solvent, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 886, 161248, 2021
【7】Jiaming Liu, Xin Huang, Heng Pan, Xu Zhang, Xiujie Fang, Wenxiu Li, Hao Zhang, Anping Huang, Zhisong Xiao, Broadband near infrared emission of Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped fluorotellurite glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
866, 158568, 2021
【8】Wenxiu Li, Hao Zhang, Peng Han, Xiaoyang Chang, Shuo Jiang, Yang Zhou, Anping Huang, and Zhisong Xiao,Real frequency splitting indirectly coupled anti-parity-time symmetric nanoparticle sensor, J. Appl. Phys.128,134503,2020(Featured, Scilight)
【9】Hao Zhang, Wen-Xiu Li, Peng Han, Xiao-Yang Chang, Shuo Jiang, An-Ping Huang, and Zhi-Song Xiao,2020 114207 29 Variable optical chirality in atomic assisted microcavity,Chin. Phys. B,29 11,2020
【10】Heng Pan, Xu Li, Xu Zhang, Jiaming Liu, Xiaojuan Chen, Hao Zhang, Anping Huang, and Zhisong Xiao, Effect of Oleamine on Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Cesium Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanocrystals, Langmuir 36 (45), 13663-13669, 2020
【11】S. Jiang, X. Chang, W. Li, P. Han, Y. Zhou, H. Zhang, A. Huang, and Z. Xiao, "On-chip high sensitivity rotation sensing based on higher-order exceptional points," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36, 2618-2623,2019.
【12】H Zhang, W Li, P Han, X Chang, J Liu, A Huang, Z XiaoMode broadening induced by rotation rate in an atom assisted microresonator,J. Appl. Phys. 125 (8), 084502,2019
【13】P Han, X Chang, W Li, H Zhang, A Huang, Z Xiao,Tunable Goos-Hänchen Shift and Polarization Beam Splitting Through a Cavity Containing Double Ladder Energy Level System,IEEE Photonics Journal, 2019
【14】X Huang, J Liu, H Pan, C Tian, H Zhang, X Chen, A Huang, Z Xiao,Temperature-dependent upconversion luminescence and spectra characteristic of Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped fluorotellurite glasses,Journal of Luminescence 207, 41-47, 2019
【15】H Zhang, W Li, P Han, X Chang, J Liu, J Lin, X Xue, F Zhu, Y Yang, X Liu, X Zhang, A Huang and Z Xiao, The effect of broadened linewidth induced by dispersion on the performance of resonant optical gyroscope, Optics Communications 407, 208-216, 2018
【16】W Li, H Zhang, J Liu, J Lin, X Xue, X Zhang, X Xu, A Huang, Z Xiao, On-chip high-sensitivity temperature sensor based on gain–loss coupled microresonators, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34 (8), 1765-1770, 2017
【17】Jian Lin, Jiaming Liu, Hao Zhang, Wenxiu Li, Lu Zhao, Junjie Jin, Anping Huang and Zhisong Xiao, Theoretical analyses of resonant frequency shift in anomalous dispersion enhanced resonant optical gyroscopes,Scientific Reports 6,38759, 2016.
【18】Yang Yang, Xiaofu Zhang, Anping Huang and Zhisong Xiao, Tunable Fano resonant optical forces exerted on a graphene-coated dielectric particle by a Gaussian evanescent wave, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 116, 24006, 2016
【19】Hao Zhang, Jiayang Chen, Long Zhao, Jian Lin, Junjie Jin, Zhuanfang Bi, Anping Huang, and Zhisong Xiao*, Enhanced Rotation Sensing of optical resonator by Fast-light effect, Applied Physics A, 122:501, 2016.
【20】Hao Zhang, Jiayang Chen, Junjie Jin, Jian Lin, Long Zhao, Zhuanfang Bi, Anping Huang, Zhisong Xiao*, Optimum Control for Rotating Sensing Based on Ring Resonator Coupled with Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, Scientific Report, 6, 19024, 2016.
【21】Jiayang Chen, Hao Zhang, Junjie Jin, Jian Lin, Long Zhao, Zhuanfang Bi, Anping Huang, Zhisong Xiao*, Miniaturized optical gyroscope using active three dimensional vertically coupled resonators, Optical Engineering, 54(10), 107106, 2015.
【22】Feng Zhang, Zhuanfang Bi, Jiayang Chen, Anping Huang, Yongchang Zhu, Baojie Chen, Zhisong Xiao*, Spectroscopic Investigation of Er3+ in Fluorotellurite Glasses for 2.7 µm Luminescence, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, 649: 1191-1196.
【23】Feng Zhang , Zhuanfang Bi, Anping Huang, and Zhisong Xiao*, Luminescence and Judd–Ofelt analysis of the Pr3+ doped fluorotellurite glass, J. Luminescence, 2015, 160:85–89.
【24】Feng Zhang , Zhuanfang Bi, Anping Huang, and Zhisong Xiao*, Visible luminescence properties of Er3+–Pr3+ codoped fluorotellurite glasses, Optical Materials, 2015, 41:112–115.
【25】Deng Sisheng, Xiao Zhisong, Yan Lu, Huang Anping, Optical loss effect on Sagnac sensitivity of circle-coupled resonator structure, Optics Communications, 2013, 290:76-79.
【26】Bo Zhou, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, Jinliang Wang, Improved Infrared Emissions of Er3+-Tm3+ Codoped Al2O3 Thin Films: The Role of Cross Relaxation Among Rare Earth Ions, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011, 11:10673-10676.
【27】Feng Zhang, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Anping Huang, Photoluminescence and Energy Transfer Studies of Er3+ and Dy3+ Co-doped Tellurite Glasses, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011, 11:10904-10907.
【28】Fang Zhu, Zhisong Xiao, Feng Zhang, Lu Yan, Jinliang Wang, Anping Huang, Donor doping process and white light generation in CaMoO4 powders with multivalence Pr codoping, J. Luminescence, 2011, 131 (1) : 22-24.
【29】Feng Zhang, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Anping Huang, Visible luminescence properties of Er3+- Dy3+ codoped tellurite glasses, Applied Physics A: Materials & Process, 2010, 101: 777-780.
【30】Fang Zhu, Zhisong Xiao, Lu Yan, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, The influence on intrinsic light emission of calcium tungstate and molybdate powders by multivalence Pr codoping, Applied Physics A: Materials & Process, 2010, 101: 689-693.
【31】Lu Yan, Zhisong Xiao, Fang Zhu, Feng Zhang, and Anping Huang, Energy transfer processes in Tm3+ doped aluminate glass, Journal of Optical Society of American B, 2010, 27 (3): 452-457.
【32】Zhisong Xiao, Bo Zhou, Lu Yan, Fang Zhu, Feng Zhang, Anping Huang, Photoluminescence and energy transfer processes in rare earth ion doped oxide thin films with substrate heating, Physics Letter A, 2010, 374(10): 1297-2300
【33】Lu Yan, Zhisong Xiao, Xiaoqian Guo, Anping Huang, Circle-Coupled Resonator Waveguide with Enhanced Sagnac Phase-Sensitivity for Rotation Sensing, Applied Physics Letter, 2009, 95(14): 141104.
【34】Zhisong Xiao, R. Serna, Fei Xu and C.N. Afonso, Critical separation for efficient Tm3+-Tm3+ energy transfer evidenced in nanostructured Tm3+:Al2O3 thin films, Optics Letters, 2008, 33 (7):608-610.
【35】Zhisong Xiao, Serna R. and Afonso C. N., Broadband emission in Er-Tm co-doped Al2O3 films: the role of energy transfer from Er to Tm, Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (2007): 033112- 033117.
【36】Zhisong Xiao, R. Serna, C.N. Afonso, I. Vickridge, Broadband infrared emission from Er-Tm: Al2O3 thin films, Applied Physics Letter, 2005, 87 (11):111103-111105.
(1)肖志松,张浩,李文秀,一种基于谐振模式展宽的光学陀螺谐振腔结构,2020-10-20, ZL2017 11085494.8
(3)肖志松,张浩,李文秀,一种基于奇异点谐振模式劈裂的光学陀螺谐振腔结构, 2020-12-21,ZL202011519707.5
(4)肖志松,蒋硕,张浩,一种基于布拉格光栅的纳米粒子探测谐振腔结构,2021-11-9,2021113 19961.5
(6)肖志松,张峰, 一种掺杂稀土铒、镝的亚碲酸盐发光玻璃及其制备方法,2012-01-18,ZL201010197248.3